Tire Skid sound effects library with tire screech sfx and peeling pavement sounds isolated recordings.

Tire Skids and Screeches Sound Effects

Regular price$29.00
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✅ 100% Royalty Free
✅ Compatible with any audio or video software



Files 26 Stereo
Size 35 mb
Documentation Metadata spreadsheet, embedded metadata
Format WAV 96khz, 24 bit


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1 Tire Emergency Brake 01.wav 0:03
2 Tire Emergency Brake 02.wav 0:02
3 Tire Emergency Brake 03.wav 0:03
4 Tire High Pitch Skid 01.wav 0:01
5 Tire High Pitch Skid 03.wav 0:01
6 Tire High Pitch Skid 04.wav 0:02
7 Tire High Pitch Skid 05.wav 0:02
8 Tire High Pitch Skid 06.wav 0:02
9 Tire High Pitch Skid 07.wav 0:01
10 Tire Long Screech 01.wav 0:05
11 Tire Long Screech 02.wav 0:05
12 Tire Long Screech 03.wav 0:06
13 Tire Long Screech 04.wav 0:04
14 Tire Skids Short Brake 01.wav 0:02
15 Tire Skids Short Brake 02.wav 0:02
16 Tire Skids Short Brake 03.wav 0:01
17 Tire Skids Short Brake 04.wav 0:02
18 Tire Skids Short Brake 05.wav 0:02
19 Tire Skids Short Brake 06.wav 0:02
20 Tire Skids Short Brake 07.wav 0:02
21 Tire Turning Skid 01.wav 0:02
22 Tire Turning Skid 02.wav 0:02
23 Tire Turning Skid 03.wav 0:03
24 Tire Turning Skid 04.wav 0:02
25 Tire Turning Skid 05.wav 0:03
26 Tire Turning Skid 06.wav 0:02

Tire Squeal Peal and Skid Sound Effects Library

Ahhh the smell of burning rubber! This incredibly captured sound effect library is the collection needed to make your racing project stand out.

26 separate files of tires screeching, pealing and skidding on concrete. These audio files have been recorded at high resolutions, 96/24, so you can pitch them up or down without losing quality. The magic in this library is the absolute sound isolation in these recordings as you can see from the previews.

Please see below the following audio preview for the complete list of included tire skids and screeches sound effects!

Tire skids and screeches sound effects library with drifting and pealing sfx on pavement. Also burning rubber sound recordings.
Racing Tire Skids Car Crash Tire Squeals and Drifting SFX
We've 100% isolated the tire screeches and skids - free from engine sounds, wind or other background noise here - because there are none! You'll hear a wide assortment of pure, isolated tire screeches, with ZERO background noise.


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go kart sound effects library royalty free and tire skids sound effects library. Use for doon buggy sound effects as well.